import argparse import fnmatch import inspect import json import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile from collections import defaultdict, deque from import Mapping from importlib import import_module from itertools import chain from textwrap import dedent from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor import pkg_resources from .version import version as __version__ try: from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.operations.freeze import FrozenRequirement except ImportError: from pipenv.patched.pip import FrozenRequirement def sorted_tree(tree): """ Sorts the dict representation of the tree. The root packages as well as the intermediate packages are sorted in the alphabetical order of the package names. :param dict tree: the pkg dependency tree obtained by calling `construct_tree` function :returns: sorted tree :rtype: dict """ return {k: sorted(v) for k, v in sorted(tree.items())} def guess_version(pkg_key, default="?"): """Guess the version of a pkg when pip doesn't provide it :param str pkg_key: key of the package :param str default: default version to return if unable to find :returns: version :rtype: string """ try: if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # pragma: >=3.8 cover import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata else: # pragma: <3.8 cover import importlib_metadata return importlib_metadata.version(pkg_key) except ImportError: pass # Avoid AssertionError with setuptools, see if pkg_key in {"setuptools"}: return default try: m = import_module(pkg_key) except ImportError: return default else: v = getattr(m, "__version__", default) if inspect.ismodule(v): return getattr(v, "__version__", default) else: return v def frozen_req_from_dist(dist): # The `pipenv.patched.pip._internal.metadata` modules were introduced in 21.1.1 # and the `pipenv.patched.pip._internal.operations.freeze.FrozenRequirement` # class now expects dist to be a subclass of # `pipenv.patched.pip._internal.metadata.BaseDistribution`, however the # `pipenv.patched.pip._internal.utils.misc.get_installed_distributions` continues # to return objects of type # pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution. # # This is a hacky backward compatible (with older versions of pip) # fix. try: from pipenv.patched.pip._internal import metadata except ImportError: pass else: dist = metadata.pkg_resources.Distribution(dist) try: return FrozenRequirement.from_dist(dist) except TypeError: return FrozenRequirement.from_dist(dist, []) class Package: """ Abstract class for wrappers around objects that pip returns. This class needs to be subclassed with implementations for `render_as_root` and `render_as_branch` methods. """ def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj self.project_name = obj.project_name self.key = obj.key def render_as_root(self, frozen): # noqa: U100 return NotImplementedError def render_as_branch(self, frozen): # noqa: U100 return NotImplementedError def render(self, parent=None, frozen=False): if not parent: return self.render_as_root(frozen) else: return self.render_as_branch(frozen) @staticmethod def frozen_repr(obj): fr = frozen_req_from_dist(obj) return str(fr).strip() def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self._obj, key) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.key}")>' def __lt__(self, rhs): return self.key < rhs.key class DistPackage(Package): """ Wrapper class for pkg_resources.Distribution instances :param obj: pkg_resources.Distribution to wrap over :param req: optional ReqPackage object to associate this DistPackage with. This is useful for displaying the tree in reverse """ def __init__(self, obj, req=None): super().__init__(obj) self.version_spec = None self.req = req def render_as_root(self, frozen): if not frozen: return f"{self.project_name}=={self.version}" else: return self.__class__.frozen_repr(self._obj) def render_as_branch(self, frozen): assert self.req is not None if not frozen: parent_ver_spec = self.req.version_spec parent_str = self.req.project_name if parent_ver_spec: parent_str += parent_ver_spec return f"{self.project_name}=={self.version} [requires: {parent_str}]" else: return self.render_as_root(frozen) def as_requirement(self): """Return a ReqPackage representation of this DistPackage""" return ReqPackage(self._obj.as_requirement(), dist=self) def as_parent_of(self, req): """ Return a DistPackage instance associated to a requirement. This association is necessary for reversing the PackageDAG. If `req` is None, and the `req` attribute of the current instance is also None, then the same instance will be returned. :param ReqPackage req: the requirement to associate with :returns: DistPackage instance """ if req is None and self.req is None: return self return self.__class__(self._obj, req) def as_dict(self): return {"key": self.key, "package_name": self.project_name, "installed_version": self.version} class ReqPackage(Package): """ Wrapper class for Requirements instance :param obj: The `Requirements` instance to wrap over :param dist: optional `pkg_resources.Distribution` instance for this requirement """ UNKNOWN_VERSION = "?" def __init__(self, obj, dist=None): super().__init__(obj) self.dist = dist @property def version_spec(self): specs = sorted(self._obj.specs, reverse=True) # `reverse` makes '>' prior to '<' return ",".join(["".join(sp) for sp in specs]) if specs else None @property def installed_version(self): if not self.dist: return guess_version(self.key, self.UNKNOWN_VERSION) return self.dist.version @property def is_missing(self): return self.installed_version == self.UNKNOWN_VERSION def is_conflicting(self): """If installed version conflicts with required version""" # unknown installed version is also considered conflicting if self.installed_version == self.UNKNOWN_VERSION: return True ver_spec = self.version_spec if self.version_spec else "" req_version_str = f"{self.project_name}{ver_spec}" req_obj = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(req_version_str) return self.installed_version not in req_obj def render_as_root(self, frozen): if not frozen: return f"{self.project_name}=={self.installed_version}" elif self.dist: return self.__class__.frozen_repr(self.dist._obj) else: return self.project_name def render_as_branch(self, frozen): if not frozen: req_ver = self.version_spec if self.version_spec else "Any" return f"{self.project_name} [required: {req_ver}, installed: {self.installed_version}]" else: return self.render_as_root(frozen) def as_dict(self): return { "key": self.key, "package_name": self.project_name, "installed_version": self.installed_version, "required_version": self.version_spec, } class PackageDAG(Mapping): """ Representation of Package dependencies as directed acyclic graph using a dict (Mapping) as the underlying datastructure. The nodes and their relationships (edges) are internally stored using a map as follows, {a: [b, c], b: [d], c: [d, e], d: [e], e: [], f: [b], g: [e, f]} Here, node `a` has 2 children nodes `b` and `c`. Consider edge direction from `a` -> `b` and `a` -> `c` respectively. A node is expected to be an instance of a subclass of `Package`. The keys are must be of class `DistPackage` and each item in values must be of class `ReqPackage`. (See also ReversedPackageDAG where the key and value types are interchanged). """ @classmethod def from_pkgs(cls, pkgs): pkgs = [DistPackage(p) for p in pkgs] idx = {p.key: p for p in pkgs} m = {p: [ReqPackage(r, idx.get(r.key)) for r in p.requires()] for p in pkgs} return cls(m) def __init__(self, m): """Initialize the PackageDAG object :param dict m: dict of node objects (refer class docstring) :returns: None :rtype: NoneType """ self._obj = m self._index = {p.key: p for p in list(self._obj)} def get_node_as_parent(self, node_key): """ Get the node from the keys of the dict representing the DAG. This method is useful if the dict representing the DAG contains different kind of objects in keys and values. Use this method to look up a node obj as a parent (from the keys of the dict) given a node key. :param node_key: identifier corresponding to key attr of node obj :returns: node obj (as present in the keys of the dict) :rtype: Object """ try: return self._index[node_key] except KeyError: return None def get_children(self, node_key): """ Get child nodes for a node by its key :param str node_key: key of the node to get children of :returns: list of child nodes :rtype: ReqPackage[] """ node = self.get_node_as_parent(node_key) return self._obj[node] if node else [] def filter(self, include, exclude): """ Filters nodes in a graph by given parameters If a node is included, then all it's children are also included. :param set include: set of node keys to include (or None) :param set exclude: set of node keys to exclude (or None) :returns: filtered version of the graph :rtype: PackageDAG """ # If neither of the filters are specified, short circuit if include is None and exclude is None: return self # Note: In following comparisons, we use lower cased values so # that user may specify `key` or `project_name`. As per the # documentation, `key` is simply # `project_name.lower()`. Refer: # if include: include = {s.lower() for s in include} if exclude: exclude = {s.lower() for s in exclude} else: exclude = set() # Check for mutual exclusion of show_only and exclude sets # after normalizing the values to lowercase if include and exclude: assert not (include & exclude) # Traverse the graph in a depth first manner and filter the # nodes according to `show_only` and `exclude` sets stack = deque() m = {} seen = set() for node in self._obj.keys(): if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(node.key, e) for e in exclude): continue if include is None or any(fnmatch.fnmatch(node.key, i) for i in include): stack.append(node) while True: if len(stack) > 0: n = stack.pop() cldn = [c for c in self._obj[n] if not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(c.key, e) for e in exclude)] m[n] = cldn seen.add(n.key) for c in cldn: if c.key not in seen: cld_node = self.get_node_as_parent(c.key) if cld_node: stack.append(cld_node) else: # It means there's no root node corresponding to the child node i.e. # a dependency is missing continue else: break return self.__class__(m) def reverse(self): """ Reverse the DAG, or turn it upside-down. In other words, the directions of edges of the nodes in the DAG will be reversed. Note that this function purely works on the nodes in the graph. This implies that to perform a combination of filtering and reversing, the order in which `filter` and `reverse` methods should be applied is important. For e.g., if reverse is called on a filtered graph, then only the filtered nodes and it's children will be considered when reversing. On the other hand, if filter is called on reversed DAG, then the definition of "child" nodes is as per the reversed DAG. :returns: DAG in the reversed form :rtype: ReversedPackageDAG """ m = defaultdict(list) child_keys = {r.key for r in chain.from_iterable(self._obj.values())} for k, vs in self._obj.items(): for v in vs: # if v is already added to the dict, then ensure that # we are using the same object. This check is required # as we're using array mutation try: node = [p for p in m.keys() if p.key == v.key][0] except IndexError: node = v m[node].append(k.as_parent_of(v)) if k.key not in child_keys: m[k.as_requirement()] = [] return ReversedPackageDAG(dict(m)) def sort(self): """ Return sorted tree in which the underlying _obj dict is an dict, sorted alphabetically by the keys. :returns: Instance of same class with dict """ return self.__class__(sorted_tree(self._obj)) # Methods required by the abstract base class Mapping def __getitem__(self, *args): return self._obj.get(*args) def __iter__(self): return self._obj.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._obj) class ReversedPackageDAG(PackageDAG): """Representation of Package dependencies in the reverse order. Similar to it's super class `PackageDAG`, the underlying datastructure is a dict, but here the keys are expected to be of type `ReqPackage` and each item in the values of type `DistPackage`. Typically, this object will be obtained by calling `PackageDAG.reverse`. """ def reverse(self): """ Reverse the already reversed DAG to get the PackageDAG again :returns: reverse of the reversed DAG :rtype: PackageDAG """ m = defaultdict(list) child_keys = {r.key for r in chain.from_iterable(self._obj.values())} for k, vs in self._obj.items(): for v in vs: try: node = [p for p in m.keys() if p.key == v.key][0] except IndexError: node = v.as_parent_of(None) m[node].append(k) if k.key not in child_keys: m[k.dist] = [] return PackageDAG(dict(m)) def render_text(tree, list_all=True, frozen=False): """Print tree as text on console :param dict tree: the package tree :param bool list_all: whether to list all the pgks at the root level or only those that are the sub-dependencies :param bool frozen: show the names of the pkgs in the output that's favourable to pip --freeze :returns: None """ tree = tree.sort() nodes = tree.keys() branch_keys = {r.key for r in chain.from_iterable(tree.values())} if not list_all: nodes = [p for p in nodes if p.key not in branch_keys] if sys.stdout.encoding.lower() in ("utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32"): _render_text_with_unicode(tree, nodes, frozen) else: _render_text_without_unicode(tree, nodes, frozen) def _render_text_with_unicode(tree, nodes, frozen): use_bullets = not frozen def aux( node, parent=None, indent=0, cur_chain=None, prefix="", depth=0, has_grand_parent=False, is_last_child=False, parent_is_last_child=False, ): cur_chain = cur_chain or [] node_str = node.render(parent, frozen) next_prefix = "" next_indent = indent + 2 if parent: bullet = "├── " if is_last_child: bullet = "└── " line_char = "│" if not use_bullets: line_char = "" # Add 2 spaces so direct dependencies to a project are indented bullet = " " if has_grand_parent: next_indent -= 1 if parent_is_last_child: offset = 0 if len(line_char) == 1 else 1 prefix += " " * (indent + 1 - offset - depth) else: prefix += line_char + " " * (indent - depth) # Without this extra space, bullets will point to the space just before the project name prefix += " " if use_bullets else "" next_prefix = prefix node_str = prefix + bullet + node_str result = [node_str] children = tree.get_children(node.key) children_strings = [ aux( c, node, indent=next_indent, cur_chain=cur_chain + [c.project_name], prefix=next_prefix, depth=depth + 1, has_grand_parent=parent is not None, is_last_child=c is children[-1], parent_is_last_child=is_last_child, ) for c in children if c.project_name not in cur_chain ] result += list(chain.from_iterable(children_strings)) return result lines = chain.from_iterable([aux(p) for p in nodes]) print("\n".join(lines)) def _render_text_without_unicode(tree, nodes, frozen): use_bullets = not frozen def aux(node, parent=None, indent=0, cur_chain=None): cur_chain = cur_chain or [] node_str = node.render(parent, frozen) if parent: prefix = " " * indent + ("- " if use_bullets else "") node_str = prefix + node_str result = [node_str] children = [ aux(c, node, indent=indent + 2, cur_chain=cur_chain + [c.project_name]) for c in tree.get_children(node.key) if c.project_name not in cur_chain ] result += list(chain.from_iterable(children)) return result lines = chain.from_iterable([aux(p) for p in nodes]) print("\n".join(lines)) def render_json(tree, indent): """ Converts the tree into a flat json representation. The json repr will be a list of hashes, each hash having 2 fields: - package - dependencies: list of dependencies :param dict tree: dependency tree :param int indent: no. of spaces to indent json :returns: json representation of the tree :rtype: str """ tree = tree.sort() return json.dumps( [{"package": k.as_dict(), "dependencies": [v.as_dict() for v in vs]} for k, vs in tree.items()], indent=indent ) def render_json_tree(tree, indent): """ Converts the tree into a nested json representation. The json repr will be a list of hashes, each hash having the following fields: - package_name - key - required_version - installed_version - dependencies: list of dependencies :param dict tree: dependency tree :param int indent: no. of spaces to indent json :returns: json representation of the tree :rtype: str """ tree = tree.sort() branch_keys = {r.key for r in chain.from_iterable(tree.values())} nodes = [p for p in tree.keys() if p.key not in branch_keys] def aux(node, parent=None, cur_chain=None): if cur_chain is None: cur_chain = [node.project_name] d = node.as_dict() if parent: d["required_version"] = node.version_spec if node.version_spec else "Any" else: d["required_version"] = d["installed_version"] d["dependencies"] = [ aux(c, parent=node, cur_chain=cur_chain + [c.project_name]) for c in tree.get_children(node.key) if c.project_name not in cur_chain ] return d return json.dumps([aux(p) for p in nodes], indent=indent) def render_mermaid(tree) -> str: """Produce a Mermaid flowchart from the dependency graph. :param dict tree: dependency graph """ # List of reserved keywords in Mermaid that cannot be used as node names. # See: reserved_ids: set[str] = { "C4Component", "C4Container", "C4Deployment", "C4Dynamic", "_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top", "call", "class", "classDef", "click", "end", "flowchart", "flowchart-v2", "graph", "interpolate", "linkStyle", "style", "subgraph", } node_ids_map: dict[str:str] = {} def mermaid_id(key: str) -> str: """Returns a valid Mermaid node ID from a string.""" # If we have already seen this key, return the canonical ID. canonical_id = node_ids_map.get(key) if canonical_id is not None: return canonical_id # If the key is not a reserved keyword, return it as is, and update the map. if key not in reserved_ids: node_ids_map[key] = key return key # If the key is a reserved keyword, append a number to it. number = 0 while True: new_id = f"{key}_{number}" if new_id not in node_ids_map: node_ids_map[key] = new_id return new_id number += 1 # Use a sets to avoid duplicate entries. nodes: set[str] = set() edges: set[str] = set() if isinstance(tree, ReversedPackageDAG): for package, reverse_dependencies in tree.items(): package_label = "\\n".join( (package.project_name, "(missing)" if package.is_missing else package.installed_version) ) package_key = mermaid_id(package.key) nodes.add(f'{package_key}["{package_label}"]') for reverse_dependency in reverse_dependencies: edge_label = reverse_dependency.req.version_spec or "any" reverse_dependency_key = mermaid_id(reverse_dependency.key) edges.add(f'{package_key} -- "{edge_label}" --> {reverse_dependency_key}') else: for package, dependencies in tree.items(): package_label = "\\n".join((package.project_name, package.version)) package_key = mermaid_id(package.key) nodes.add(f'{package_key}["{package_label}"]') for dependency in dependencies: edge_label = dependency.version_spec or "any" dependency_key = mermaid_id(dependency.key) if dependency.is_missing: dependency_label = f"{dependency.project_name}\\n(missing)" nodes.add(f'{dependency_key}["{dependency_label}"]:::missing') edges.add(f"{package_key} -.-> {dependency_key}") else: edges.add(f'{package_key} -- "{edge_label}" --> {dependency_key}') # Produce the Mermaid Markdown. indent = " " * 4 output = dedent( f"""\ flowchart TD {indent}classDef missing stroke-dasharray: 5 """ ) # Sort the nodes and edges to make the output deterministic. output += indent output += f"\n{indent}".join(node for node in sorted(nodes)) output += "\n" + indent output += f"\n{indent}".join(edge for edge in sorted(edges)) output += "\n" return output def dump_graphviz(tree, output_format="dot", is_reverse=False): """Output dependency graph as one of the supported GraphViz output formats. :param dict tree: dependency graph :param string output_format: output format :param bool is_reverse: reverse or not :returns: representation of tree in the specified output format :rtype: str or binary representation depending on the output format """ try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError: print("graphviz is not available, but necessary for the output " "option. Please install it.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: from graphviz import parameters except ImportError: from graphviz import backend valid_formats = backend.FORMATS print( "Deprecation warning! Please upgrade graphviz to version >=0.18.0 " "Support for older versions will be removed in upcoming release", file=sys.stderr, ) else: valid_formats = parameters.FORMATS if output_format not in valid_formats: print(f"{output_format} is not a supported output format.", file=sys.stderr) print(f"Supported formats are: {', '.join(sorted(valid_formats))}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) graph = Digraph(format=output_format) if not is_reverse: for pkg, deps in tree.items(): pkg_label = f"{pkg.project_name}\\n{pkg.version}" graph.node(pkg.key, label=pkg_label) for dep in deps: edge_label = dep.version_spec or "any" if dep.is_missing: dep_label = f"{dep.project_name}\\n(missing)" graph.node(dep.key, label=dep_label, style="dashed") graph.edge(pkg.key, dep.key, style="dashed") else: graph.edge(pkg.key, dep.key, label=edge_label) else: for dep, parents in tree.items(): dep_label = f"{dep.project_name}\\n{dep.installed_version}" graph.node(dep.key, label=dep_label) for parent in parents: # req reference of the dep associated with this # particular parent package req_ref = parent.req edge_label = req_ref.version_spec or "any" graph.edge(dep.key, parent.key, label=edge_label) # Allow output of dot format, even if GraphViz isn't installed. if output_format == "dot": # Emulates to force the sorting of graph.body. # Fixes # That way we can guarantee the output of the dot format is deterministic # and stable. return "".join([tuple(graph)[0]] + sorted(graph.body) + [graph._tail]) # As it's unknown if the selected output format is binary or not, try to # decode it as UTF8 and only print it out in binary if that's not possible. try: return graph.pipe().decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: return graph.pipe() def print_graphviz(dump_output): """ Dump the data generated by GraphViz to stdout. :param dump_output: The output from dump_graphviz """ if hasattr(dump_output, "encode"): print(dump_output) else: with os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "wb") as bytestream: bytestream.write(dump_output) def conflicting_deps(tree): """ Returns dependencies which are not present or conflict with the requirements of other packages. e.g. will warn if pkg1 requires pkg2==2.0 and pkg2==1.0 is installed :param tree: the requirements tree (dict) :returns: dict of DistPackage -> list of unsatisfied/unknown ReqPackage :rtype: dict """ conflicting = defaultdict(list) for p, rs in tree.items(): for req in rs: if req.is_conflicting(): conflicting[p].append(req) return conflicting def render_conflicts_text(conflicts): if conflicts: print("Warning!!! Possibly conflicting dependencies found:", file=sys.stderr) # Enforce alphabetical order when listing conflicts pkgs = sorted(conflicts.keys()) for p in pkgs: pkg = p.render_as_root(False) print(f"* {pkg}", file=sys.stderr) for req in conflicts[p]: req_str = req.render_as_branch(False) print(f" - {req_str}", file=sys.stderr) def cyclic_deps(tree): """ Return cyclic dependencies as list of tuples :param PackageDAG tree: package tree/dag :returns: list of tuples representing cyclic dependencies :rtype: list """ index = {p.key: {r.key for r in rs} for p, rs in tree.items()} cyclic = [] for p, rs in tree.items(): for r in rs: if p.key in index.get(r.key, []): p_as_dep_of_r = [x for x in tree.get(tree.get_node_as_parent(r.key)) if x.key == p.key][0] cyclic.append((p, r, p_as_dep_of_r)) return cyclic def render_cycles_text(cycles): if cycles: print("Warning!! Cyclic dependencies found:", file=sys.stderr) # List in alphabetical order of the dependency that's cycling # (2nd item in the tuple) cycles = sorted(cycles, key=lambda xs: xs[1].key) for a, b, c in cycles: print(f"* {a.project_name} => {b.project_name} => {c.project_name}", file=sys.stderr) def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dependency tree of the installed python packages") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"{__version__}") parser.add_argument("-f", "--freeze", action="store_true", help="Print names so as to write freeze files") parser.add_argument( "--python", default=sys.executable, help="Python to use to look for packages in it (default: where" " installed)", ) parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="list all deps at top level") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--local-only", action="store_true", help="If in a virtualenv that has global access " "do not show globally installed packages", ) parser.add_argument("-u", "--user-only", action="store_true", help="Only show installations in the user site dir") parser.add_argument( "-w", "--warn", action="store", dest="warn", nargs="?", default="suppress", choices=("silence", "suppress", "fail"), help=( 'Warning control. "suppress" will show warnings ' "but return 0 whether or not they are present. " '"silence" will not show warnings at all and ' 'always return 0. "fail" will show warnings and ' "return 1 if any are present. The default is " '"suppress".' ), ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--reverse", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Shows the dependency tree in the reverse fashion " "ie. the sub-dependencies are listed with the " "list of packages that need them under them." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--packages", help=( "Comma separated list of select packages to show in the output. " "Wildcards are supported, like 'somepackage.*'. " "If set, --all will be ignored." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", help=( "Comma separated list of select packages to exclude from the output. " "Wildcards are supported, like 'somepackage.*'. " "If set, --all will be ignored." ), metavar="PACKAGES", ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--json", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Display dependency tree as json. This will yield " '"raw" output that may be used by external tools. ' "This option overrides all other options." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--json-tree", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Display dependency tree as json which is nested " "the same way as the plain text output printed by default. " "This option overrides all other options (except --json)." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--mermaid", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Display dependency tree as a Mermaid graph. " "This option overrides all other options."), ) parser.add_argument( "--graph-output", dest="output_format", help=( "Print a dependency graph in the specified output " "format. Available are all formats supported by " "GraphViz, e.g.: dot, jpeg, pdf, png, svg" ), ) return parser def _get_args(): parser = get_parser() return parser.parse_args() def handle_non_host_target(args): of_python = os.path.abspath(args.python) # if target is not current python re-invoke it under the actual host if of_python != os.path.abspath(sys.executable): # there's no way to guarantee that graphviz is available, so refuse if args.output_format: print("graphviz functionality is not supported when querying" " non-host python", file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(1) argv = sys.argv[1:] # remove current python executable for py_at, value in enumerate(argv): if value == "--python": del argv[py_at] del argv[py_at] elif value.startswith("--python"): del argv[py_at] main_file = inspect.getsourcefile(sys.modules[__name__]) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as project: dest = os.path.join(project, "pipdeptree") shutil.copytree(os.path.dirname(main_file), dest) # invoke from an empty folder to avoid cwd altering sys.path env = os.environ.copy() env["PYTHONPATH"] = project cmd = [of_python, "-m", "pipdeptree"] cmd.extend(argv) return, cwd=project, env=env) return None def get_installed_distributions(local_only=False, user_only=False): try: from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.metadata import pkg_resources except ImportError: # For backward compatibility with python ver. 2.7 and pip # version 20.3.4 (the latest pip version that works with python # version 2.7) from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.utils import misc return misc.get_installed_distributions(local_only=local_only, user_only=user_only) else: dists = pkg_resources.Environment.from_paths(None).iter_installed_distributions( local_only=local_only, skip=(), user_only=user_only ) return [d._dist for d in dists] def main(): args = _get_args() result = handle_non_host_target(args) if result is not None: return result pkgs = get_installed_distributions(local_only=args.local_only, user_only=args.user_only) tree = PackageDAG.from_pkgs(pkgs) is_text_output = not any([args.json, args.json_tree, args.output_format]) return_code = 0 # Before any reversing or filtering, show warnings to console # about possibly conflicting or cyclic deps if found and warnings # are enabled (i.e. only if output is to be printed to console) if is_text_output and args.warn != "silence": conflicts = conflicting_deps(tree) if conflicts: render_conflicts_text(conflicts) print("-" * 72, file=sys.stderr) cycles = cyclic_deps(tree) if cycles: render_cycles_text(cycles) print("-" * 72, file=sys.stderr) if args.warn == "fail" and (conflicts or cycles): return_code = 1 # Reverse the tree (if applicable) before filtering, thus ensuring # that the filter will be applied on ReverseTree if args.reverse: tree = tree.reverse() show_only = set(args.packages.split(",")) if args.packages else None exclude = set(args.exclude.split(",")) if args.exclude else None if show_only is not None or exclude is not None: tree = tree.filter(show_only, exclude) if args.json: print(render_json(tree, indent=4)) elif args.json_tree: print(render_json_tree(tree, indent=4)) elif args.mermaid: print(render_mermaid(tree)) elif args.output_format: output = dump_graphviz(tree, output_format=args.output_format, is_reverse=args.reverse) print_graphviz(output) else: render_text(tree, args.all, args.freeze) return return_code