import contextlib import io import itertools import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pipenv import environments, exceptions from pipenv.utils import console, err from pipenv.utils.internet import get_url_name from pipenv.utils.markers import RequirementError from pipenv.utils.requirements import import_requirements from pipenv.utils.requirementslib import is_editable, is_vcs, merge_items from pipenv.utils.toml import tomlkit_value_to_python from pipenv.vendor import tomlkit from pipenv.vendor.plette import pipfiles from pipenv.vendor.pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator DEFAULT_NEWLINES = "\n" def walk_up(bottom): """mimic os.walk, but walk 'up' instead of down the directory tree. From: """ bottom = os.path.realpath(bottom) # get files in current dir try: names = os.listdir(bottom) except Exception: return dirs, nondirs = [], [] for name in names: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bottom, name)): dirs.append(name) else: nondirs.append(name) yield bottom, dirs, nondirs new_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(bottom, "..")) # see if we are at the top if new_path == bottom: return yield from walk_up(new_path) def find_pipfile(max_depth=3): """Returns the path of a Pipfile in parent directories.""" i = 0 for c, _, _ in walk_up(os.getcwd()): i += 1 if i < max_depth and "Pipfile": p = os.path.join(c, "Pipfile") if os.path.isfile(p): return p raise RuntimeError("No Pipfile found!") def ensure_pipfile( project, validate=True, skip_requirements=False, system=False, categories=None ): """Creates a Pipfile for the project, if it doesn't exist.""" # Assert Pipfile exists. python = ( project._which("python") if not (project.s.USING_DEFAULT_PYTHON or system) else None ) if project.pipfile_is_empty: # Show an error message and exit if system is passed and no pipfile exists if system and not project.s.PIPENV_VIRTUALENV: raise exceptions.PipenvOptionsError( "--system", "--system is intended to be used for pre-existing Pipfile " "installation, not installation of specific packages. Aborting.", ) # If there's a requirements file, but no Pipfile... if project.requirements_exists and not skip_requirements: requirements_dir_path = os.path.dirname(project.requirements_location) console.print( f"[bold]requirements.txt[/bold] found in [bold yellow]{requirements_dir_path}" "[/bold yellow] instead of [bold]Pipfile[/bold]! Converting..." ) # Create a Pipfile... project.create_pipfile(python=python) with console.status( "Importing requirements...", spinner=project.s.PIPENV_SPINNER ) as st: # Import requirements.txt. try: import_requirements(project, categories=categories) except Exception: err.print(environments.PIPENV_SPINNER_FAIL_TEXT.format("Failed...")) else: st.console.print( environments.PIPENV_SPINNER_OK_TEXT.format("Success!") ) # Warn the user of side-effects. console.print( "[bold red]Warning[/bold red]: Your [bold]Pipfile[/bold] now contains pinned versions, " "if your [bold]requirements.txt[/bold] did. \n" 'We recommend updating your [bold]Pipfile[/bold] to specify the [bold]"*"' "[/bold] version, instead." ) else: err.print("Creating a Pipfile for this project...", style="bold") # Create the pipfile if it doesn't exist. project.create_pipfile(python=python) # Validate the Pipfile's contents. if validate and project.virtualenv_exists and not project.s.PIPENV_SKIP_VALIDATION: # Ensure that Pipfile is using proper casing. p = project.parsed_pipfile changed = project.ensure_proper_casing() # Write changes out to disk. if changed: err.print("Fixing package names in Pipfile...", style="bold") project.write_toml(p) def reorder_source_keys(data): # type: (tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument) -> tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument sources = [] # type: sources_type for source_key in ["source", "sources"]: sources.extend(data.get(source_key, tomlkit.aot()).value) new_source_aot = tomlkit.aot() for entry in sources: table = tomlkit.table() # type: tomlkit.items.Table source_entry = PipfileLoader.populate_source(entry.copy()) for key in ["name", "url", "verify_ssl"]: table.update({key: source_entry[key]}) new_source_aot.append(table) data["source"] = new_source_aot if data.get("sources", None): del data["sources"] return data def preferred_newlines(f): if isinstance(f.newlines, str): return f.newlines return DEFAULT_NEWLINES class ProjectFile(BaseModel): location: str line_ending: str model: Optional[Any] = Field(default_factory=lambda: {}) @classmethod def read(cls, location: str, model_cls, invalid_ok: bool = False) -> "ProjectFile": if not os.path.exists(location) and not invalid_ok: raise FileNotFoundError(location) try: with open(location, encoding="utf-8") as f: model = model_cls.load(f) line_ending = preferred_newlines(f) except Exception: if not invalid_ok: raise model = {} line_ending = DEFAULT_NEWLINES return cls(location=location, line_ending=line_ending, model=model) def write(self) -> None: kwargs = {"encoding": "utf-8", "newline": self.line_ending} with open(self.location, "w", **kwargs) as f: if self.model: self.model.dump(f) def dumps(self) -> str: if self.model: strio = io.StringIO() self.model.dump(strio) return strio.getvalue() return "" class PipfileLoader(pipfiles.Pipfile): @classmethod def validate(cls, data): # type: (tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument) -> None for key, klass in pipfiles.PIPFILE_SECTIONS.items(): if key not in data or key == "sources": continue with contextlib.suppress(Exception): klass.validate(data[key]) @classmethod def ensure_package_sections(cls, data): # type: (tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument[Text, Any]) -> tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument[Text, Any] """Ensure that all pipfile package sections are present in the given toml document. :param :class:`~tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument` data: The toml document to ensure package sections are present on :return: The updated toml document, ensuring ``packages`` and ``dev-packages`` sections are present :rtype: :class:`~tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument` """ package_keys = (k for k in pipfiles.PIPFILE_SECTIONS if k.endswith("packages")) for key in package_keys: if key not in data: data.update({key: tomlkit.table()}) return data @classmethod def populate_source(cls, source): """Derive missing values of source from the existing fields.""" # Only URL pararemter is mandatory, let the KeyError be thrown. if "name" not in source: source["name"] = get_url_name(source["url"]) if "verify_ssl" not in source: source["verify_ssl"] = "https://" in source["url"] if not isinstance(source["verify_ssl"], bool): source["verify_ssl"] = str(source["verify_ssl"]).lower() == "true" return source @classmethod def load(cls, f, encoding=None): # type: (Any, Text) -> PipfileLoader content = if encoding is not None: content = content.decode(encoding) _data = tomlkit.loads(content) should_reload = "source" not in _data _data = reorder_source_keys(_data) if should_reload: if "sources" in _data: content = tomlkit.dumps(_data) else: # HACK: There is no good way to prepend a section to an existing # TOML document, but there's no good way to copy non-structural # content from one TOML document to another either. Modify the # TOML content directly, and load the new in-memory document. sep = "" if content.startswith("\n") else "\n" content = pipfiles.DEFAULT_SOURCE_TOML + sep + content data = tomlkit.loads(content) data = cls.ensure_package_sections(data) instance = cls(data) instance._data = dict(instance._data) return instance def __contains__(self, key): # type: (Text) -> bool if key not in self._data: package_keys = self._data.get("packages", {}).keys() dev_package_keys = self._data.get("dev-packages", {}).keys() return any(key in pkg_list for pkg_list in (package_keys, dev_package_keys)) return True def __getattribute__(self, key): # type: (Text) -> Any if key == "source": return self._data[key] return super().__getattribute__(key) class Pipfile(BaseModel): path: Path projectfile: ProjectFile pipfile: Optional[PipfileLoader] _pyproject: Optional[tomlkit.TOMLDocument] = tomlkit.document() build_system: Optional[Dict] = {} _requirements: Optional[List] = [] _dev_requirements: Optional[List] = [] class Config: validate_assignment = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True allow_mutation = True include_private_attributes = True # keep_untouched = (cached_property,) @validator("path", pre=True, always=True) def _get_path(cls, v): return v or Path(os.curdir).absolute() @validator("projectfile", pre=True, always=True) def _get_projectfile(cls, v, values): return v or cls.load_projectfile(os.curdir, create=False) @validator("pipfile", pre=True, always=True) def _get_pipfile(cls, v, values): return v or values["projectfile"].model @property def root(self): return self.path.parent @property def extended_keys(self): return list( itertools.product(("packages", "dev-packages"), ("", "vcs", "editable")) ) def get_deps(self, dev=False, only=True): deps = {} # type: Dict[Text, Dict[Text, Union[List[Text], Text]]] if dev: deps.update(dict(self.pipfile._data.get("dev-packages", {}))) if only: return deps return tomlkit_value_to_python( merge_items([deps, dict(self.pipfile._data.get("packages", {}))]) ) def get(self, k): return self.__getitem__(k) def __contains__(self, k): check_pipfile = k in self.extended_keys or self.pipfile.__contains__(k) if check_pipfile: return True return False def __getitem__(self, k, *args, **kwargs): retval = None pipfile = self.pipfile section = None pkg_type = None try: retval = pipfile[k] except KeyError: if "-" in k: section, _, pkg_type = k.rpartition("-") vals = getattr(pipfile.get(section, {}), "_data", {}) vals = tomlkit_value_to_python(vals) if pkg_type == "vcs": retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_vcs(v)} elif pkg_type == "editable": retval = {k: v for k, v in vals.items() if is_editable(v)} if retval is None: raise else: retval = getattr(retval, "_data", retval) return retval def __getattr__(self, k, *args, **kwargs): pipfile = self.pipfile try: retval = super(Pipfile).__getattribute__(k) except AttributeError: retval = getattr(pipfile, k, None) return retval @property def requires_python(self): # type: () -> bool return getattr( self.pipfile.requires, "python_version", getattr(self.pipfile.requires, "python_full_version", None), ) @property def allow_prereleases(self): # type: () -> bool return self.pipfile.get("pipenv", {}).get("allow_prereleases", False) @classmethod def read_projectfile(cls, path): # type: (Text) -> ProjectFile """Read the specified project file and provide an interface for writing/updating. :param Text path: Path to the target file. :return: A project file with the model and location for interaction :rtype: :class:`~project.ProjectFile` """ pf =, PipfileLoader, invalid_ok=True) return pf @classmethod def load_projectfile(cls, path, create=False): # type: (Text, bool) -> ProjectFile """Given a path, load or create the necessary pipfile. :param Text path: Path to the project root or pipfile :param bool create: Whether to create the pipfile if not found, defaults to True :raises OSError: Thrown if the project root directory doesn't exist :raises FileNotFoundError: Thrown if the pipfile doesn't exist and ``create=False`` :return: A project file instance for the supplied project :rtype: :class:`~project.ProjectFile` """ if not path: raise RuntimeError("Must pass a path to classmethod 'Pipfile.load'") if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path).absolute() pipfile_path = path if path.is_file() else path.joinpath("Pipfile") project_path = pipfile_path.parent if not project_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid project path!" % path) elif (not pipfile_path.exists() or not pipfile_path.is_file()) and not create: raise RequirementError("%s is not a valid Pipfile" % pipfile_path) return cls.read_projectfile(pipfile_path.as_posix()) @classmethod def load(cls, path, create=False): # type: (Text, bool) -> Pipfile """Given a path, load or create the necessary pipfile. :param Text path: Path to the project root or pipfile :param bool create: Whether to create the pipfile if not found, defaults to True :raises OSError: Thrown if the project root directory doesn't exist :raises FileNotFoundError: Thrown if the pipfile doesn't exist and ``create=False`` :return: A pipfile instance pointing at the supplied project :rtype:: class:`~pipfile.Pipfile` """ projectfile = cls.load_projectfile(path, create=create) pipfile = projectfile.model creation_args = { "projectfile": projectfile, "pipfile": pipfile, "path": Path(projectfile.location), } return cls(**creation_args)