import os import subprocess import sys from os.path import expandvars from pipenv import environments from pipenv.utils.project import ensure_project from import cmd_list_to_shell, system_which from pipenv.vendor import click def do_shell( project, python=False, fancy=False, shell_args=None, pypi_mirror=None, quiet=False ): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project( project, python=python, validate=False, pypi_mirror=pypi_mirror, ) # Support shell compatibility mode. if project.s.PIPENV_SHELL_FANCY: fancy = True from pipenv.shells import choose_shell shell = choose_shell(project) if not quiet: click.echo("Launching subshell in virtual environment...", err=True) fork_args = ( project.virtualenv_location, project.project_directory, shell_args, ) # Set an environment variable, so we know we're in the environment. # Only set PIPENV_ACTIVE after finishing reading virtualenv_location # otherwise its value will be changed os.environ["PIPENV_ACTIVE"] = "1" if fancy: shell.fork(*fork_args) return try: shell.fork_compat(*fork_args) except (AttributeError, ImportError): click.echo( "Compatibility mode not supported. " "Trying to continue as well-configured shell...", err=True, ) shell.fork(*fork_args) def do_run(project, command, args, python=False, pypi_mirror=None): """Attempt to run command either pulling from project or interpreting as executable. Args are appended to the command in [scripts] section of project if found. """ from pipenv.cmdparse import ScriptEmptyError env = os.environ.copy() # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project( project, python=python, validate=False, pypi_mirror=pypi_mirror, ) path = env.get("PATH", "") if project.virtualenv_location: new_path = os.path.join( project.virtualenv_location, "Scripts" if == "nt" else "bin" ) paths = path.split(os.pathsep) paths.insert(0, new_path) path = os.pathsep.join(paths) env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = project.virtualenv_location env["PATH"] = path # Set an environment variable, so we know we're in the environment. # Only set PIPENV_ACTIVE after finishing reading virtualenv_location # such as in inline_activate_virtual_environment # otherwise its value will be changed env["PIPENV_ACTIVE"] = "1" try: script = project.build_script(command, args) cmd_string = cmd_list_to_shell([script.command] + script.args) if project.s.is_verbose(): click.echo("$ {cmd_string}"), err=True) except ScriptEmptyError: click.echo("Can't run script {0!r}-it's empty?", err=True) run_args = [project, script] run_kwargs = {"env": env} # We're using `do_run_nt` on CI (even if we're running on a non-nt machine) # as a workaround for if == "nt" or environments.PIPENV_IS_CI: run_fn = do_run_nt else: run_fn = do_run_posix run_kwargs.update({"command": command}) run_fn(*run_args, **run_kwargs) def do_run_posix(project, script, command, env): path = env.get("PATH") command_path = system_which(script.command, path=path) if not command_path: if project.has_script(command): click.echo( "{}: the command {} (from {}) could not be found within {}." "".format("Error", fg="red", bold=True),, fg="yellow"),, bold=True),"PATH", bold=True), ), err=True, ) else: click.echo( "{}: the command {} could not be found within {} or Pipfile's {}." "".format("Error", fg="red", bold=True),, fg="yellow"),"PATH", bold=True),"[scripts]", bold=True), ), err=True, ) sys.exit(1) os.execve( command_path, [command_path, *(os.path.expandvars(arg) for arg in script.args)], env, ) def do_run_nt(project, script, env): p = _launch_windows_subprocess(script, env) p.communicate() sys.exit(p.returncode) def _launch_windows_subprocess(script, env): path = env.get("PATH", "") command = system_which(script.command, path=path) options = {"universal_newlines": True, "env": env} script.cmd_args[1:] = [expandvars(arg) for arg in script.args] # Command not found, maybe this is a shell built-in? if not command: return subprocess.Popen(script.cmdify(), shell=True, **options) # Try to use CreateProcess directly if possible. Specifically catch # Windows error 193 "Command is not a valid Win32 application" to handle # a "command" that is non-executable. See pypa/pipenv#2727. try: return subprocess.Popen([command] + script.args, **options) except OSError as e: if e.winerror != 193: raise # Try shell mode to use Windows's file association for file launch. return subprocess.Popen(script.cmdify(), shell=True, **options)