from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import fnmatch import subprocess import tarfile import shutil import stat import re try: from urllib.request import urlretrieve except ImportError: from urllib import urlretrieve from setuptools import setup from setuptools.extension import Extension from sysconfig import get_config_var as get_python_config from sysconfig import get_path as get_python_lib # First work out what all the available source code files are that should # be compiled. source_files = [os.path.join('src/server', name) for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'src/server')) if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, '*.c')] # Work out all the Apache specific compilation flags. This is done using # the standard Apache apxs command unless we are installing our own build # of Apache. In that case we use Python code to do the equivalent of apxs # as apxs will not work due to paths not matching where it was installed. def find_program(names, default=None, paths=[]): for name in names: for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(':') + paths: program = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.exists(program): return program return default APXS = os.environ.get('APXS') WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE = False if APXS is None: APXS = find_program(['mod_wsgi-apxs'], paths=[os.path.dirname(sys.executable)]) if APXS is not None: WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE = True if APXS is None: APXS = find_program(['mod_wsgi-apxs', 'apxs2', 'apxs'], 'apxs', ['/usr/sbin', os.getcwd()]) elif not os.path.isabs(APXS): APXS = find_program([APXS], APXS, ['/usr/sbin', os.getcwd()]) WITHOUT_APXS = False WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE = None WITH_MACOSX_APACHE = None if not os.path.isabs(APXS) or not os.access(APXS, os.X_OK): WITHOUT_APXS = True if WITHOUT_APXS and == 'nt': APACHE_ROOTDIR = os.environ.get('MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR') if APACHE_ROOTDIR: if os.path.exists(APACHE_ROOTDIR): WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE = APACHE_ROOTDIR else: raise RuntimeError('The Apache directory %r does not exist.' % APACHE_ROOTDIR) else: if os.path.exists('c:\\Apache24'): WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE = 'c:\\Apache24' elif os.path.exists('c:\\Apache22'): WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE = 'c:\\Apache22' elif os.path.exists('c:\\Apache2'): WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE = 'c:\\Apache2' else: raise RuntimeError('No Apache installation can be found. Set the ' 'MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR environment to its location.') elif WITHOUT_APXS and sys.platform == 'darwin': WITH_MACOSX_APACHE = '/Applications/' if WITHOUT_APXS and not WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE and not WITH_MACOSX_APACHE: raise RuntimeError('The %r command appears not to be installed or ' 'is not executable. Please check the list of prerequisites ' 'in the documentation for this package and install any ' 'missing Apache httpd server packages.' % APXS) if WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE: def get_apxs_config(name): if name == 'INCLUDEDIR': return WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE + '/include' elif name == 'BINDIR': return WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE + '/bin' elif name == 'LIBEXECDIR': return WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE + '/modules' elif name == 'PROGNAME': return 'httpd.exe' else: return '' def get_apr_includes(): return '' def get_apu_includes(): return '' elif WITH_MACOSX_APACHE: def get_apxs_config(name): if name == 'BINDIR': return '/usr/bin' elif name == 'SBINDIR': return '/usr/sbin' elif name == 'LIBEXECDIR': return '/usr/libexec/apache2' elif name == 'PROGNAME': return 'httpd' elif name == 'SHLIBPATH_VAR': return 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: return '' def get_apr_includes(): return '' def get_apu_includes(): return '' else: def get_apxs_config(query): p = subprocess.Popen([APXS, '-q', query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if isinstance(out, bytes): out = out.decode('UTF-8') return out.strip() def get_apr_includes(): if not APR_CONFIG: return '' p = subprocess.Popen([APR_CONFIG, '--includes'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if isinstance(out, bytes): out = out.decode('UTF-8') return out.strip() def get_apu_includes(): if not APU_CONFIG: return '' p = subprocess.Popen([APU_CONFIG, '--includes'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if isinstance(out, bytes): out = out.decode('UTF-8') return out.strip() INCLUDEDIR = get_apxs_config('INCLUDEDIR') CPPFLAGS = get_apxs_config('CPPFLAGS').split() CFLAGS = get_apxs_config('CFLAGS').split() EXTRA_INCLUDES = get_apxs_config('EXTRA_INCLUDES').split() EXTRA_CPPFLAGS = get_apxs_config('EXTRA_CPPFLAGS').split() EXTRA_CFLAGS = get_apxs_config('EXTRA_CFLAGS').split() APR_CONFIG = get_apxs_config('APR_CONFIG') APU_CONFIG = get_apxs_config('APU_CONFIG') # Make sure that 'apr-1-config' exists. If it doesn't we may be running # on MacOS X Sierra, which has decided to not provide either it or the # 'apu-1-config' script and otherwise completely broken 'apxs'. In that # case we manually set the locations of the Apache and APR header files. if (not os.path.exists(APR_CONFIG) and os.path.exists('/Applications/')): INCLUDEDIR = '/Applications/' APR_INCLUDES = ['-I/Applications/'] APU_INCLUDES = [] elif (not os.path.exists(APR_CONFIG) and os.path.exists('/Applications/')): INCLUDEDIR = '/Applications/' APR_INCLUDES = ['-I/Applications/'] APU_INCLUDES = [] else: APR_INCLUDES = get_apr_includes().split() APU_INCLUDES = get_apu_includes().split() if not os.path.exists(APR_CONFIG) and not INCLUDEDIR: if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Likely no Xcode application installed or location of SDK in # Xcode has changed with a new release of Xcode application. raise RuntimeError('No Apache installation can be found, do you ' 'have the full Apple Xcode installed. It is not enough to ' 'have just the xcode command line tools installed.') else: # Set INCLUDEDIR just to avoid having an empty path. Probably # should raise an exception here. INCLUDEDIR = '/usr/include' # Write out which caches various configuration related to # Apache. For the case of using our own Apache build, this needs to # calculate values dynamically based on where binaries were installed. # This is necessary as on OpenShift the virtual environment gets copied # for each gear to a different path. We can't therefore rely on a hard # coded path. BINDIR = get_apxs_config('BINDIR') SBINDIR = get_apxs_config('SBINDIR') PROGNAME = get_apxs_config('PROGNAME') MPM_NAME = get_apxs_config('MPM_NAME') LIBEXECDIR = get_apxs_config('LIBEXECDIR') SHLIBPATH_VAR = get_apxs_config('SHLIBPATH_VAR') APXS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ import os import posixpath WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE = %(WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE)r if WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE: from mod_wsgi_packages.httpd import __file__ as PACKAGES_ROOTDIR PACKAGES_ROOTDIR = posixpath.dirname(PACKAGES_ROOTDIR) BINDIR = posixpath.join(PACKAGES_ROOTDIR, 'bin') SBINDIR = BINDIR LIBEXECDIR = posixpath.join(PACKAGES_ROOTDIR, 'modules') SHLIBPATH = posixpath.join(PACKAGES_ROOTDIR, 'lib') else: BINDIR = '%(BINDIR)s' SBINDIR = '%(SBINDIR)s' LIBEXECDIR = '%(LIBEXECDIR)s' SHLIBPATH = '' MPM_NAME = '%(MPM_NAME)s' PROGNAME = '%(PROGNAME)s' SHLIBPATH_VAR = '%(SHLIBPATH_VAR)s' if os.path.exists(posixpath.join(SBINDIR, PROGNAME)): HTTPD = posixpath.join(SBINDIR, PROGNAME) elif os.path.exists(posixpath.join(BINDIR, PROGNAME)): HTTPD = posixpath.join(BINDIR, PROGNAME) else: HTTPD = PROGNAME if os.path.exists(posixpath.join(SBINDIR, 'rotatelogs')): ROTATELOGS = posixpath.join(SBINDIR, 'rotatelogs') elif os.path.exists(posixpath.join(BINDIR, 'rotatelogs')): ROTATELOGS = posixpath.join(BINDIR, 'rotatelogs') else: ROTATELOGS = 'rotatelogs' """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'src/server/'), 'w') as fp: print(APXS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE % dict( WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE=WITH_HTTPD_PACKAGE, BINDIR=BINDIR, SBINDIR=SBINDIR, LIBEXECDIR=LIBEXECDIR, MPM_NAME=MPM_NAME, PROGNAME=PROGNAME, SHLIBPATH_VAR=SHLIBPATH_VAR), file=fp) # Work out location of Python library and how to link it. PYTHON_VERSION = get_python_config('VERSION') if == 'nt': if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): PYTHON_LIBDIR = sys.real_prefix elif hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'): PYTHON_LIBDIR = sys.base_prefix else: PYTHON_LIBDIR = get_python_config('BINDIR') PYTHON_LDFLAGS = [] PYTHON_LDLIBS = ['%s/libs/python%s.lib' % (PYTHON_LIBDIR, PYTHON_VERSION), '%s/lib/libhttpd.lib' % WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE, '%s/lib/libapr-1.lib' % WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE, '%s/lib/libaprutil-1.lib' % WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE, '%s/lib/libapriconv-1.lib' % WITH_WINDOWS_APACHE] else: PYTHON_LDVERSION = get_python_config('LDVERSION') or PYTHON_VERSION PYTHON_LIBDIR = get_python_config('LIBDIR') APXS_LIBDIR = get_apxs_config('LIBDIR') PYTHON_CFGDIR = get_python_lib('platstdlib') + '/config' if PYTHON_LDVERSION and PYTHON_LDVERSION != PYTHON_VERSION: PYTHON_CFGDIR = '%s-%s' % (PYTHON_CFGDIR, PYTHON_LDVERSION) if not os.path.exists(PYTHON_CFGDIR): PYTHON_CFGDIR = '%s-%s' % (PYTHON_CFGDIR, sys.platform) PYTHON_LDFLAGS = ['-L%s' % PYTHON_CFGDIR] if PYTHON_LIBDIR != APXS_LIBDIR: PYTHON_LDFLAGS.insert(0, '-L%s' % PYTHON_LIBDIR) PYTHON_LDLIBS = ['-lpython%s' % PYTHON_LDVERSION] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(PYTHON_LIBDIR, 'libpython%s.a' % PYTHON_VERSION)): PYTHON_LDLIBS = ['-lpython%s' % PYTHON_VERSION] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(PYTHON_CFGDIR, 'libpython%s.a' % PYTHON_VERSION)): PYTHON_LDLIBS = ['-lpython%s' % PYTHON_VERSION] # Create the final set of compilation flags to be used. INCLUDE_DIRS = [INCLUDEDIR] EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS = (EXTRA_INCLUDES + CPPFLAGS + EXTRA_CPPFLAGS + CFLAGS + EXTRA_CFLAGS + APR_INCLUDES + APU_INCLUDES) EXTRA_LINK_ARGS = PYTHON_LDFLAGS + PYTHON_LDLIBS # Force adding of LD_RUN_PATH for platforms that may need it. LD_RUN_PATHS = [] if != 'nt': LD_RUN_PATH = os.environ.get('LD_RUN_PATH', '') LD_RUN_PATHS = [PYTHON_CFGDIR] if PYTHON_LIBDIR != APXS_LIBDIR: LD_RUN_PATHS.insert(0, PYTHON_LIBDIR) LD_RUN_PATH += ':' + ':'.join(LD_RUN_PATHS) LD_RUN_PATH = LD_RUN_PATH.lstrip(':') os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = LD_RUN_PATH # On MacOS X, recent versions of Apple's Apache do not support compiling # Apache modules with a target older than 10.8. This is because it # screws up Apache APR % formats for apr_time_t, which breaks daemon # mode queue time. For the target to be 10.8 or newer for now if Python # installation supports older versions. This means that things will not # build for older MacOS X versions. Deal with these when they occur. if sys.platform == 'darwin': target = os.environ.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') if target is None: target = get_python_config('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') if target: target_version = tuple(map(int, target.split('.'))) #assert target_version >= (10, 8), \ # 'Minimum of 10.8 for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' if target_version < (10, 8): os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.8' # Now add the definitions to build everything. if == 'nt': extension_name = 'mod_wsgi.server.mod_wsgi' else: extension_name = 'mod_wsgi.server.mod_wsgi-py%s%s' % sys.version_info[:2] extension = Extension(extension_name, source_files, include_dirs=INCLUDE_DIRS, extra_compile_args=EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS, extra_link_args=EXTRA_LINK_ARGS, runtime_library_dirs=LD_RUN_PATHS) def _documentation(): result = [] prefix = 'docs/_build/html' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(prefix, topdown=False): for name in files: if root == prefix: result.append(os.path.join(root[len(prefix):], name)) else: result.append(os.path.join(root[len(prefix)+1:], name)) return result def _version(): path = 'src/server/wsgi_version.h' pattern = r'#define MOD_WSGI_VERSION_STRING "(?P[^"]*)"' with open(path, 'r') as fp: match =,, flags=re.MULTILINE) return'version') # Final check to make sure a shared library for Python does actually # exist. Warn if one doesn't as we really want a shared library. SHARED_LIBRARY_WARNING = """ WARNING: The Python installation you are using does not appear to have been installed with a shared library, or in the case of MacOS X, as a framework. Where these are not present, the compilation of mod_wsgi may fail, or if it does succeed, will result in extra memory being used by all processes at run time as a result of the static library needing to be loaded in its entirety to every process. It is highly recommended that you reinstall the Python installation being used from source code, supplying the '--enable-shared' option to the 'configure' script when configuring the source code prior to building and installing it. """ if != 'nt': if (not get_python_config('Py_ENABLE_SHARED') and not get_python_config('PYTHONFRAMEWORK')): print(SHARED_LIBRARY_WARNING) # Now finally run setuptools. package_name = 'mod_wsgi' long_description = open('README.rst').read() standalone = os.path.exists('pyproject.toml') if standalone: package_name = 'mod_wsgi-standalone' long_description = open('README-standalone.rst').read() setup(name = package_name, version = _version(), description = 'Installer for Apache/mod_wsgi.', long_description = long_description, author = 'Graham Dumpleton', author_email = '', maintainer = 'Graham Dumpleton', maintainer_email = '', url = '', project_urls = { 'Documentation': '', 'Source': '', 'Tracker': '', }, license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0', platforms = [], download_url = None, classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 6 - Mature', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server' ], keywords = 'mod_wsgi wsgi apache', packages = ['mod_wsgi', 'mod_wsgi.server', '', '', '', 'mod_wsgi.images'], package_dir = {'mod_wsgi': 'src', '': 'docs/_build/html', 'mod_wsgi.images': 'images'}, package_data = {'': _documentation(), 'mod_wsgi.images': ['snake-whiskey.jpg']}, ext_modules = [extension], entry_points = { 'console_scripts': ['mod_wsgi-express = mod_wsgi.server:main'],}, zip_safe = False, install_requires = standalone and ['mod_wsgi-httpd=='] or [], python_requires='>=3.8', )